One of the most impressive traditions in Brasov is called ”Junii Brasovului” or ”Parada Junilor”. It is a sumptuous parade and one of the most popular events in Brasov, gathering every year thousands of tourists from all around the country and the world.
Each year, it takes place in the first Sunday after the Orthodox Easter, a day which is called Duminica Tomii (Tomii’s Sunday).
This event is an old custom passed on by generations. It was initiated by the first inhabitants of Brasov, which settled in the old neighborhood called Schei, in the 14th century. Although it was first mentioned in a document dating back to 1728, there are still some historians who claim that the tradition is even older, dating back to the land of Dacia.
Originally, this celebration signifies the rebirth of nature, the defeat against winter and the start to a new life. In fact, it is a military initiation of the young boys, called “juni”, meaning “young and unmarried men”.
These young men, called “juni”, are aged between 17 and 46. There are three divisions, each led by a leader called “vătaf”:
- Junii Tineri (young juni) – the original and oldest group (tineri means unmarried)
- Junii Bătrâni (the old juni) – married men who accompanied the parade
- Junii Curcani – this group was formed during the Independence War, in 1877
- Junii Dorobanți – formed with some individuals from Junii Curcani
- Junii Brașovecheni – this name was given to the juni in Brașovul Vechi neighborhood, in 1851
- Junii Roșiori – formed in 1908. It consists of married men from the northwestern part of Schei neighborhood
- Junii Albiori – formed in 1860, consisting mainly by traders and butchers residing in Schei
According to the traditions in Brasov, each year, juni from all groups are gathering at the parade and ride their horses throughout the old city center. Starting at 10 AM, this event lasts for an entire day, so book your stay in advance and don’t miss this fabulous celebration.
And if you already booked your stay, make sure you don’t miss the bear watching tours, perfect for that time of the year.