Feldioara citadel in Brasov, Romania

The Feldioara citadel, situated near Brasov, is considered to be the most important fortification built by the Teutonic Knights in Transylvania.

Feldioara citadel inner court

The initial name of the settlement was ”Marienburg”, a name given by the Teutonic Knights at their arrival here, in 1211, after the land was donated to them by the Hungarian king Andrew II. They chose this place to be the capital of Burzenland, giving the name of St. Mary, the patron of their order. The Teutonic Knights reinforced the place by building a a citadel made from rock and bricks. At the same time, the Saxon colonists began arriving in these places.

Feldioara citadel court view and fountain

However, there have been found traces of housing from Neolithic up to the times of the Dacians-Romans. The locals even built a citadel here, made from earth. This gave the name of the settlement – ”foldvar” in Hungarian means ”Citadel of earth”.

In 1225, the Teutonic Knights were expelled from these lands and their properties were given to the Cistercian monks in 1240. These were highly prepared land workers, as well as good engineers and their contribution to this land withstood the test of time.

Feldioara citadel entrance and barbicane

In 1430, the citadel was destroyed by the Turks and in 1457, again, by Vlad Tepes. Thanks to the locals, it was rebuilt in the same year.

In 1612, the Feldioara citadel was conquered by Gabriel Bathory and Michael Weiss, the ruler of Brasov, tries to take it back by attacking it but he is defeated and beheaded. 39 student from the Johannes Honterus highschool in Brasov, who offered as volunteers in Weiss’ army, died in the battle. In 1913, the locals built here a memorial monument called “Monumentul studentilor brasoveni” or “Monument of students from Brasov”.

Feldioara citadel outside view

Until 2013, the place of the citadel was a ruin and the walls were in danger of collapsing. However, thanks to restoration, the fortress is now rebuilt.

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